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Matheus Henrique Nunes França, born in Brazil (Salvador - BA) in 1997, is a researcher and specialist in robotics, computer vision and artificial intelligence. He currently works at Senai Cimatec, where he collaborates in robotics projects with the Brazilian Institute of Robotics (BIR). His research interests include humanoid robots, self-balancing robots, robots for inspection of transmission lines, modeling, 3D printing, sensor calibration, autonomy and reliability. He has knowledge in ROS, ROS2, C++, Python, R, AI, statistical analysis and behavior trees. He holds a degree in control and automation engineering from Area 1.

Matheus is also pursuing a Master’s degree in Mechatronics at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), where he is conducting research on autonomous multi-robot systems. He has been involved in several projects related to robotics, including humanoid robots, self-balancing robots,remotely operated underwater vehicles and unmanned ground vehicle.